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After the 50th

After the 50th regatta, future of DN ?

Well if the weather is good then we are all happy and we get a successful regata! After many years we were lucky for a change and we all needed that and hopefully it keeps us going for some time!
Big thanks to all, especially those who traveled a long distance!
Many things are good and many things we hope that would be better. I hope that “after sail BBQ” is one of the things that will happen every year, I think it’s a better solution than a big dinner (money to sosial effect)! On no sailing days some sort of TOP sailors talk is something that we need to try out / work out.
DN juniors in the big event … I am happy and I think it’s a step in the right direction just as the kids get to sail and find competition to their level. They will make huge steps forward in big events. There is also the cost and time effect to be considered. As we don’t have a problem with big numbers for the main event of the year lets welcome them back.
Ice-Optimist is another thing and making sure that there is not too much time wasted as what happened this year. One class per course and small fleet is just so much quicker if conditions are good and what to do with the rest of the day time? There is also the question of participants and the value in WC and EC titles, so take a look at what’s happening in your local Opti fleet. For sure there is no point moving outside of EST today. Maybe IceOptie fleet should be a local training platform for DN future in mind and just for kids to have fun!
So called “Big Boys” top sailors and some of their attitude tours fellow sailors, but much more to newbies as just there are no rules (Port/Starboard) is sad and bad. On the bright side there were guys who after the race came up and said sorry and asked if they should resign from that race. So guys give out more, be open and you will gain more in the end! Question is the role of the Jury, might be that their function in our class is to fill out paperwork after damage is done? And it might be our future sailing style in DN class … we make the class!
So there is a bit of time before the spring national meeting! Time to write up your suggestions and ideas for the future of the class. EC next year, Finland is hosting us so it’s up to you Finland!!! Maybe let’s start registration on Sunday and racing Monday, upto 12 races (two throw out) and last 5 count to EuroCUP (without a throw out), last day of racing is Friday. With organising the event there is no point to land in any hotel on Saturday because it’s difficult to get the rooms that we need. Might be a solution to make it a long weekend as we might get bigger numbers of sailors who can get two weekends away from home and work?
Season is half way done for the northern part of the EU … let’s sail and have fun!
Think of fast ice and we all are lucky to have something to remember from Pärnu 2024 for sure!
Mihkel Kosk
PSA: We’re collecting videos from WC/EC 2024!

PSA: We’re collecting videos from WC/EC 2024!

We are collecting video footage from the regatta! If you have recorded any awesome footage on the ice during the last week we kindly request your help. Our media team is working on a short film of the championships and collecting material to include as many perspectives as we can. If you flew a drone, recorded yourself on a GoPro or just managed to catch some memorable moments on your phone send the footage our way.

You can write to us at, send us a Google Drive/WeTransfer/MyAirBridge link with your videos.

GC 2024: Day 2 Highlights & Results

GC 2024: Day 2 Highlights & Results

Here are the highlights from the third day of the 50. Gold Cup DN World & European Championships and Junior World & European Championships 2024. Even with the delayed start we have a successful day behind us with each fleet competing in two races.

Production by Herkules Pierewoj


Optimist results after second racing day

DN and DN Junior results after second racing day

DN Junior results after second racing day

Good morning Pärnu

Good morning Pärnu

Good morning in Pärnu and safe travels to Pärnu
First guys were sailing yesterday in the sun. Ice turned into quite a bumpy ride with the cold and freezing.
Map or picture of the aria is attached.Take your time in the morning as org. team is removing the fishing bloks. If you go sailing, keep safe!
Short course will be set by 12:00
BEST! Mihkel, C45

GC 2024 Update: Change in tomorrow’s (02.03) schedule

GC 2024 Update: Change in tomorrow’s (02.03) schedule

(Amending the NOR/SI) Tomorrow’s registration and check in will open at 10.00 local time at the HQ Race Office in the Cultural Hall.

We would like to kindly ask to return Perpetual trophies there to the race office.

Make sure you study for the Rule test. The examiner will be extra strict!

Ground floor entrance
Upper Entrance
Rule Test
Kubrickesque hallways

See you tomorrow!

We are sailing in Pärnu 2024 WC and EC!

We are sailing in Pärnu 2024 WC and EC!

We are sailing in Pärnu 2024 WC and EC!

Let’s say life could be a little easier regarding the weather!!

Most Likely we will have a difficult week but hopes are for the best!

It’s a good sailing day today so I hope you guys use it !

After spending time over the last days and this morning on the phone and consulting with our friends I see a bigger change of sailing and start on Sunday at 12:00 in Pärnu!

Getting on the ice –

58.383617, 24.326619

Parking picture is attached.

Headquarters and accommodation 

Hotel Tervis

Seedri 6, Pärnu, 80012 Pärnu maakond

SGL  50€/

TWN 60€/

With breakfast and Spa!



+372 447 9200



Mihkel Kosk

GC 2024 Update: Weather & Alternate locations

GC 2024 Update: Weather & Alternate locations

Waiting for the last update regarding the weather forecast.

Next and final news on Friday as said in the NOR.
LTU has good ice!!! Tricky weather on Sunday and possibly not a lot of sailing because of bad visibility, add to that strong gusty winds and things start to happen. Quite a bit of rain/snow on Sunday (more than EST) in total.
Good sailing possibly Monday and Tuesday.
Later in the midweek light winds and we might be sitting for a couple of days and then at the end of the week good winds and snow is coming, how much can’t really tell today.
Now only 4 h drive away we have EST and Pärnu.
Looking at EST (Pärnu, backup Saaremaa (Orissaare and Kuressaare) and maybe Haapsalu (bay of Topu)) –
Pärnu we would be sailing on Sunday, a storm coming true would start as we are finishing the day. Storm is quick in the strong winds and snow/rain is not so big (smaller than LTU in numbers today). Sailing good on Monday and Tuesday.
AND then the light winds hit the region also… We are already clouser to big seas so wind numbers could be better and OPTION in EST is to jump from Pärnu to Saaremaa (2,5 h drive) and we are closer to better winds.
So think ice and we will have a good next week!
Mihkel Kosk
GC/EC & JWC/JEC 2024: SI Published, Designated Venue Info

GC/EC & JWC/JEC 2024: SI Published, Designated Venue Info

Dear Fellow Icesailors,

Although according to the NOR the final decision on the race venue is only due on 2024.02.02 Friday, 12:00 CET, many of you have aleady chose to drive to the Baltics and to the designated location to wait out the final decision.

Below is our recommendation for accomodation and launching site:

Designated HQ:

Hotel Siaulai,
Draugystės pr. 25, 76289 Šiauliai
Password: DN

Designated Launching Site:

Kempingas Rekyvas
Bačiūnų g. 58f, 79216 Šiauliai

Plenty of space for parking and trailors. Please be mindful of the grass.

Attached, please also read the Sailing Instructions:

SI 2024

The Organisers