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EC 2025: We’re collecting Videos!

We are collecting video footage from the regatta! If you have recorded any awesome footage on the ice during the last week we kindly request your help. Our media team is working on a short film of the championships and collecting material to include as many...

EC 2025: Starting List (Updated), Protest Committee Members

   Protest Committee: Chairman: Vaiko Vooremaa C-6 Lars Moller D126 Walter Kolbl OE119 David Howlett K13 Reko Suojanen L112 Bernd Zeiger G107 Max Koszela S844 Tomasz Zakrzewski P55  

EC 2025: Follow Along and be seen with Regatta Tracking!

Dear Fellow Icesailors, At the 2025 DN European Championship & EuroCup we will be trying out multiple regatta tracking systems, so your fans and supporters at home can follow along while helping us to bring awareness to our sport. As noted in the Sailing...

EC 2025: Sailing Instructions published

Dear Competitors, The Sailing Instructions for the DN European Championship and EuroCup 2025 is now available on the Regatta website. Please read the SI carefully. In-person registration and check-in opens on Feb. 22nd at the Race Office. >> Continue to the...

EC2025: Location Update #5 (20.2.2025)

Dear Alll, We have a decision: DN EC 2025 will be held on Lake Pyhäjärvi (Säkylä) with Race Office and regatta head quarters at Kristalliranta. ACOMMODATION: Kristalllliranta is now fully booked, but you can still find availablle cabins at Sieravuori and Ruukinkartano...

EC2025: Location Update #4 (18.2.2025)

Dear DN sailors, It is day by day looking increasingly likely that we will sail the DN Europeans 2025 on Lake Pyhäjärvi / Säkylä, with race office at Kristalliranta. I base my opinion on among other things the following: * We have several good locations to choose from...

EC2025: Location Update #3 (16.2.2025)

EDIT: 17.02.2025 (Lake in Estonia corrected) Since the last updte the situation has evolved as follows: FINLAND: Southen Finland inclluding both Säkylä and Vääksy was hit by some snow fall on Sunday. The snowcover is light powder snow and both lakes are still sailable...

EC2025: Location update #2 (15.2.2025)

Based on what we learned about the ice conditions from todays Finnish Championshps racing on Lake Pyhäjärvi / Säkylä, Based on current weather predictions and based on second hand information about condtions in Estonia and Lithuania I would say that the likelihood of...

EC2025: Location Update #1 (14.2.2025)

DN EC 25 is approaching rappidly and we currently have several locations that are being considered. My plan is to keep monitoring various locations and give daily updates on how the situation evolves. Final site location will be given according to NoR no later than...


IDNIYRA Europe is happy to convey the following invitation: The Austrian DN Fleet invites all fellow DN sailors to sail the MITROPA Cup on the Lipno Reservoir, Czechia between 2025.02.07-09! Please read the following Notice of Race: view mitropa-trophy-nor-2025.pdf  ...


The Latest Official Icesailing News from Eurasia


Highlights from Past Races and Events

The International DN is the most popular iceboat class in the world. It is raced extensively in the northern United States, Canada, throughout Europe, and Northern Asia, with World Championships alternating between North America and Europe each year.

Main Events and important dates

Regatta Calendar

2025 January 15 – 23

EC2025 & JWC/JEC2025 Insurance Check Closes,

Regular Entry Ends

2025 February 1 – 7


Junior World & European Icesailing Championships in DN & IceOptimist Classes

Organising Country: DN Poland

2025 February 222025 March 01

DN European Championship 2025

Organising Country: DN Finland

2025 April 26 – 27

National Secretaries Meeting 2025

Join Us

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Interested in Iceboating?

IDNIYRA – Europe and its Local Fleets are on a mission to help new sailors experience the most exhilarating sailing on the planet.
We are always open to new Recruits and Volunteers.

Race Local and International Events and be part of the Future of the Sport.

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Resources for Icesailors

Find Your Team

Get in touch and Join our partner National Fleet closest to you. It’s the best way to learn iceboating. Experience Club racing and Compete in Local and International Ice Yacht Regattas.

Meet your New Iceboating Buddies

Get a DN

Time to get your first boat.
New or Used, Supplied Parts or Complete Kits, DIY plans, books and videos on the subtle Art of DN Ice Yacht Construction – You can all find it here.

Find a Deal
or Build your next Iceboat

Learn the Ropes

Common sense tips to help keep you safe on the ice.
Study and Practice the racing rules until you really know them. Improve your Sailing and Tech Skills with DN Tutorial videos.
Stay Safe, Think Ice!

Explore the
DN Knowledgebase

Train, Compete & Organize

Discover our resources on regatta management, racing and individual training.

Visit Our Downloads Section

Family Fun

“For many years junior icesailing in different models of iceyachts … has had a significant impact on the Junior Programme, providing a firm platform on which to build the progression of many of the top ice sailors of today.”

Hans Adolfsson & Chris Williams, Former IDNIYRA-Europe Commodore & Secretary

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Special Thanks To Our Partners & Suppliers

DN Europe

Member Fleets:

DN Austria

Eissegelverband Österreich

DN Belarus


DN China


DN Czechia


DN Denmark

DN klubben Danmark

DN Estonia

Eesti Jääpurjetamise Liit

DN Finland

Suomen DN Jääpursiliitto


DN France

Flotte Française des Voiliers sur Glace

DN Germany

Deutsche DN Eissegel Flotte

DN Hungary

Magyar DN Jégvitorlás Osztályszövetség


DN Italy

Flotta Italiana a Vela sul Ghiaccio

DN Latvia

Latvijas Ledusburāšanas Federācija

DN Lithuania

DN Lietuva

DN Netherlands

DN Nederland Ijszeilvereniging

DN Poland

Stowarzyszenie Flota Polska DN

DN Russia

Российская ассоциация буеров класса DN

DN Sweden
Svenska DN-Isjaktsällskapet

DN Switzerland

Flotte Suisse des Voiliers sur Glace

DN United Kingdom

British Ice Yacht Racing

Get in touch with our Class Officials.

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