DN European Championship 2019

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Last Day Schedule for EC 2019

Today we will finish the 2019 EC.

Last scheduled start is 14.00 (CET)

Price giving ceremony at the HQ (Hotel Santa Monica, Mikołajki) at 17.00 (CET)

Attila Pataky (M100)



DN EC 2019 – Updated Schedule

Dear Friends and Fellow Iceboaters,

Due to the postponement and change of location of the regatta the updated schedule is the following:

REGATTA CHECK-IN:  Tuesday 22nd January from 10:00 until 20:00. Time for aural hearing with the Protest Committee (“Rule Test”) will be announced in the race-office.

Opening ceremony:  Tuesday 22nd January half an hour before sunset (Any change will be announced on the Official Notice Board)

Scheduled First Start: Wednesday, 23rd January 2019 – 10:00, skippers meeting at 9:00.

Scheduled Last Start: Saturday 26th January 2019 – 14:00 (all times are local times) For other events see Sailing Instructions, Official Notice Board and/or announcements at the daily skippers meeting.

Thank you and I wish you all a safe trip!

Attila Pataky (M-100)

Change of Location

Dear Fellow Iceboaters!

Due to unforeseen weather conditions, we have to change the location of the 2019 DN European Championship.

The new location is Lake Śniardwy, Poland.

The Headquarters will be located in:

Hotel Santa Monika
Papieża Jana Pawła II 3, 11-730 Mikołajki
+48 87 420 70 57

Single room 150zł
Double room 200zł, 100 zł per person

Another hotel with the same price is:

Hotel  Caligula
Plac Handlowy 7   11-730 Mikołajki
+48 619 219 383

The launching site will be next to Marina Sniardy Hotel:


Attila Pataky (M-100)
European Commodore


Dear fellow iceboaters!

It was a non predicted change in weather conditions in Estonia! Continuous snow storms comming from the Baltic Sea and sets at the islands.

Please do not drive to Estonia, instead direct your cars towards Poland.

I will come with details in the following hour.


Attila Pataky (M-100)


Other accommodation

Today I got the following email:

”Dear Sir,

AS i know DN class competitons will BE held in Saaremaa! As representive of Grand Rose Spa hotell in Saaremaa we can offer accommodaion in Kuressaare  during tje race with in 50€ per night in standard twin/double room. For a reservation please contact by e-mail: info@grandrose.ee or ph: +372 6667000

Kristjan Ader”


EC 2019 Location – Decision

Dear Friends & Fellow Iceboaters,

The 2019 DN European Championship will be held in Estonia / Island Saaremaa. The racecourse location will be in Vaike strait. The launchsite location will be posted later.


The Headquarters will be in Hotel Georg Ots Spa in Kuressaare. Quote “ice sailing” and you will get a discounted price of 60 EUR/night/double room with breakfast.

Contacts: info@gospa.ee, +372 45 50101

Other hotel with agreed price is Arensburg. Double room with breakfast 50 EUR/night

Contacts: arensburg@arensburg.ee, +372 452 4700

I would like to thank all the icescouts for providing us with the essential information for making this hard decision.

Thank you for your patience.

See you in Orisaare!

Attila Pataky (M-100)
European Commodore

Important information – postponement!

Due to the recent unstable weather conditions in the region the 2019 European Championship will be postponed by one day. Thus the new schedule is the following:

  • Final decision about the site: Saturday, 19th January 2019, 15.00 CET
  • Check-in: Monday, 21st January 2019. Hours as scheduled earlier.
  • First Race: Tuesday, 22nd. 10.00 Local time


Attila Pataky, M-100

European Commodore 

Icescouting 2019 – Second update

Since the last report we had checked two spots: Siemianowka in Poland and Rekyvos in

Lithuania. Both lake have ice of sufficient thickness, however the ice surfaces are not ideal for racing.

At Siemianowka we have 10 cm black plus 5 cm snowice. The ice was covered with about 2 cm of slushy snow, which in case of cold weather will freeze and form a hard but rough sailable ice surface.

The Rekyvos has 20-22 cm of black ice. There are 5-10 cm thick frozen snow drifts on the ice. Here we will need warm weather and rain to smoothen the surface.

Now we are in Estonia to check places on the islands.

Tomorrow we will travel to Sweden to check possible paces there.

Checking the official source (IDNIYRA ICE REPORTS) we could not find information on other possible spots. Please go out on the lakes nearby and check the ice there and upload photos and information on Icereport secton of our official webpage.

Attila Pataky


Icescouting 2019

Dear Fellow Iceboaters!

This year we departed again on our journey in search of the best location to organize the European Championship.

Last week we have had some hope that we can stay on the ice of the Organizing Country. The ice on Tisza Reservoir had grown fast and reached 10 cm of thickness by Saturday. We had about 5 cm of light snow cover. Unfortunately, warm weather is expected and the ice stopped growing as well the light snow formed drifts that became slushy.

Thus on Sunday we decided to leave the place and headed North searching alternative places. We drove all day in positive temperatures with alternating precipitation between the rain and the snow. The more we moved North the snow cover had become thicker and thicker. Now we are staying in Central Poland and thinking on which direction to move further.

As of now, the weather forecast is BAD for all Europe. On places where we have sufficient ice thickness it will not be warm enough to melt the existing snow cover, neither will it be cold enough to form new ice. As of today, we don’t know of a single spot in Europe where we could run the European Championship.

We will do our best to find the right spot!

Please help in this and check out your neighboring lakes for ice, make an icereport and contact us. Both positive and the negative information is valuable. Based on that we can plan our route more effectively.

We travel so that the whole community doesn’t have to. We are doing our best to find the right spot for you guys!

Stay tuned, we will report frequently.

Thanks for your help.

Attila Pataky
European Commodore

Season Greetings

Dear Fellow Ice Sailors, Junior Iceboaters,

The holiday season is here and some lucky countries already have stable and sailable ice cover on their lakes and water reservoirs. Use this possibility to train as much as you can to get ready for big international events and perfectly trim your gear.

But do not forget in this busy season, that some deadlines to make duetime entry for the events are already on the doorstep:

  • 2nd January – submission of insurance cover for seniors
  • 6th January – regular online entry ends for the Senior EC
  • 15th January  – submission of insurance cover for juniors
  • 20th January – regular online entry ends for the Junior WC/EC

As today there are only 62 entries made for the senior event and only ONE for the juniors!!

Please take a few minutes and make the online entry as soon as possible to ease the life of the organizers and help to make successful icesailing events.

I whish all to you and to your beloved families all the best, Merry Chrismas and Happy, Prosperous New Year!

And of course lot of fun on the ice!


Your Commodore,

Attila Pataky


NOR EC 2019 (With Important Change!!)

Dear Fellow Icesailors,

Please find the Modified NOR for the 2019 DN European Championship and EuroCup.

We needed to make some changes in it because receiving a late warning from our lawyers and because of that, I decided to suspend the reorganization procedure in our European Community. Recently the lawyers are studying the case and hopefully will come up with a solution soon. It was just a warning and doesn’t mean that we did something illegal.

Unfortunately, we are now in time constrain because the NOR was already due to publish and the registration procedure will start within less than three weeks. Therefore as a temporary solution, we have to revert to the old system

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