Gold Cup DN World & European Championships 2022
19-26 February
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WC/EC 2022 Entry
First of all, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy, Prosperous and Joyful New Year with a lot of icesailing.
I would like to remind you that less than two weeks remain to the closing of the Regular Entry for the 2020 Gold Cup World DN Championship and DN European Championship.
It is my firm intention to sail the 2022 WC/EC, except if too strict restrictions make it impossible to do so. I strongly encourage every one of you to make the entry as soon as it is possible. In case of the event cancellation, we will naturally reimburse the entry fee.
For the time being, we do not intend to change our COVID Protocol. We can think of further measures (i.e. having certain kits of rapid test ready in case of suspicious symptoms), but in no case would we consider taking PCR test compulsory before or during the event. On the other hand, I would strongly support taking PCR tests before your departure (as it might be required for travel and accommodation).
The COVID Certificates will be checked at the event check-in.
To avoid congestion at the check-in we would like to process most of the administration paperless, online. As an example, I would draw your attention to the possibility of uploading your COVID Certificate to your profile on our website. This way we can check them beforehand and you’ll get through the check-in faster.
Thank You & Think Ice,
Attila Pataky (M-100)
Photo: Sean R. Heavey

The NOR of the 2022 DN WC/EC is out
Dear Fellow Icesailors,
We invite you all to sail the Gold Cup DN World and European DN Championships 2022
Please find the Notice of Race attached and read it carefully.
Also, pay particular attention to the IDNIYRA EU Covid Protocol.
Important dates to consider:
- 15th December 2021 – 18:00 (CET) – The online registration opens
- 17th January 2022; 24:00 (CET) – Deadline to send insurances for checking (Regular Entry)
- 19th January 2022 – 24:00 (CET) – The last possibility to register on the regular entry fee (Regular Entry)
Please note, that in order to make a proper entry both the sailor as well as his/her National Organisation need to be active members of the DN Class, i.e. the respective membership fees have to be paid.
See you on the ice,
The Organisers & The Board of IDNIYRA Europe
NOR WC-EC 2022

Dear Fellow Icesailors,
A new season starts soon and we have to be ready not only with our ice sailing gear but also be prepared to cope with the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope that all of you are healthy and not influenced by COVID infection or any serious consequences. This year we intend to organize the WC/EC, but to keep our community safe we have to introduce some protocols, which has to be obeyed by all participants of the event. Below you can find the COVID-19 Protocol. Please read it carefully and be prepared for the safe season and for participation in IDNIYRA events.
Think Ice,
Attila Pataky (M-100)
IDNIYRA EU Commodore