Latest News
DN C20 Rasmus Maalinn & IceOpti C1 Aron Poolma Win 2023 Junior European Championships
After a weekend of intense competition in various wind conditions, the 2023 Junior European Championships in DN & IceOptimist concluded today on Lake Rekyvos, Lithuania. In DN Class Rasmus Maalinn C20 dominated the scoring board and secured the title of Junior...
JEC 2023 Sailing Instructions
Dear fellow Young Icesailors, Parents and Coaches, Attached, please find the sailing instructions for the Junior European Championships 2023. See you at the starting line! The organisers sailing instructions jec 2023
2024 DN Class Yearbook
The 2024 DN Class Yearbook is out! Get it while it's hot! Order from here:
JEC 2023: Race Office & Launch Site
Dear Fellow Young Icesailors, Parents & Coaches, Attached please find the map of the Venue. Parking Areas: Blue (Cars), Red (Trailers) Registration and Race Office: Red building near the launching site Check-in: Friday, 15:00-19:00 local time National teams are...
JEC 2023 Venue Decision
Dear Young Icesailors, Parents & Coaches, As published in the NOR, the event will be sailed at Lake Rekyva, Lithuania. Launching site: Atžalynas, Poilsio g. 10, 79223 Šiauliai REGISTRATION AND HQ/RACE OFFICE: To Be Announced 2023-12-07 Accommodation: Salduve...
50. Gold Cup DN World & European Championships & Junior Icesailing World & European Championships Notice of Race is out!
Dear Friends, On behalf of IDNIYRA-EUROPE and the Lithuanian Ice Sailing Association, we invite all ice boaters Young and Old to compete in the 50th Gold Cup DN World & European Championship & Euro-Cup 2024 and DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist WC/EC 2024. Please...
Grand Masters 2024
We received the following invitation from Petri Pennanen National Secretary of DN Finland: DN Finland warmly welcomes all eligible Grand Masters (60 years of age by 27 Feb 2024) to participate in the Grand Masters Cup 2024. The event will take place 27-29 Feb 2024....
2023 Johnny Köhler Cup & All Saints Regatta Report
Last weekend the 2023-24 European Icesailing season was officially opened with the traditional week46 Regattas in Finland: the Johnny Köhler Cup & All Saints Regatta. Our very own Vice-Commodore, John Winquist (L601) was present as a competitor as well as an...
China Icesailing Carnival 2024
We happily received the following invitation from the Chinese DN Fleet to take part in their very first international icesailing event organised in China: Dear friends, DN North America And DN Europe: We sincerely invite you to participate in the promotion of...
Membership Dues for Season 2023/24
Dear Fellow Icesailors, The days are getting colder and with the beginning of this very special hard-water season, our Membership fees are due. Our Membership fee for the 2023-24 season remains €30. If you had an active membership with us and have the auto-renew...
The 2023-24 Icesailing Season kicks off with the Johnny Köhler Cup and All Saints Regatta this weekend
The much-anticipated Week 46 Johnny Kohler Cup and All Saints Regatta in Vaala, Finland, is not only a local affair but has drawn ice sailors from around the globe. Participants from Poland, Germany, Sweden, and North America add an international flavor to this first...
The season ON
Dear Fellow Iceboaters, The season is full on for the last 3 weeks up in NOR, SWE and FIN with the first start tomorrow and a long starting list, things are looking good for the weekend, try to make it up there if you still can! Pic of ice added 😉 NOR for the WC...
Eight Bells: Bouw van Wijk (1933-2023)
It is with great sadness that we have to inform the DN ice sailing community that Bouw van Wijk (H 100) passed away on October 26 after a long, loving and intense life. Bouw's achievements in the field of sailing and building sailing yachts, ice yachts and motorboats...
Ballot 2023 – Results
The combined 2023 IDNIYRA & IDNIYRA EU ballot closed today. The two questions on the ballot passed and will become effective on May 31, 2024.LINK TO RESULTS Election Results for 2023 IDNIYRA & IDNIYRA EU Fall BallotPrevious: Notice of Electronic Ballot for...
Season 2023/24
Dear Fellow Iceboaters, The season is just about to start and hopefully it will be one to remember! Big event and celebration of the 50th Worlds and Eoropeans is about to start, starting in Lithuania. Sad part is the situation in the world and we can only hope for a...
Ballot 2023: Notice of Electronic Ballot for Specification Changes & EPIC Agreement Amendment
This is the announcement of a combined electronic ballot for members of IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU, although North American and European results will be available separately. There are two proposals on the ballot. Both proposals were approved for vote at the 2023 IDNIYRA...
2023 Junior European Championships in December
Dear Fellow Young Icesailors, Parents, & Coaches, The Lithuanian DN Fleet and IDNIYRA Europe invite all young icesailors to sail the postponed 2023 Junior European Championships between 8-10th December. Please see the updated Notice of Race attached. Oct.1-Dec.7 -...
2023 September Runner Tracks
This issue offers insights from Robert Cummins US3433 on efficiently organizing and trailering your DN. Whether you are an experienced ice boater or a newcomer, Runner Tracks is the ultimate resource for everything related to ice boating. Check out the complete online...
Ballot 2023 – Friendly Reminder: 2022-23 Season Membership payment deadline approaching!
Dear Fellow IDNIYRA Europe Members, As we are closing the 2022-23 season, our membership deadline, Aug.31st is rapidly approaching. The International DN Class plans to run the annual Autumn Ballot in October on proposals submitted and forwarded by its Governing...
2024 International Ranking List Published
Time to start Thinking Ice, the 2024 International Ranking list has been calculated and published. See it here. The rank list is used to seed regatta fleets at continental events. Thanks to Ann Foeller for her assistance. From the IDNIYRA Regatta Management Agreement...
Runner Tracks Newsletter May 2023
Runner Tracks cover sailor, Jost Kolb, invites you to read the latest issue, featuring articles on DN sailing worldwide, informative results, and a Bob Gray technical article. We want to thank our sponsors who made this all possible. In the coming days, all eligible...
Oskar Svensson S714 & Aron Poolma C3 Win 2023 Junior World Championships
After two days of intense competition between the future of our sport on Lake Kertuoja, Lithuania, the 2023 Junior World Championship in DN & IceOptimist Classes was concluded on Tuesday, March 7th. Unfortunately due to snow and intense winds the Junior European...
Polish DN Championship 2023
We received the following invitation from the Polish DN Fleet: Polish Championship 2023 is planned for March 11-12, 2023.Preliminary site is lake Kertuoja in Lithuania. This is same venue as 2023 EC and Junior Worlds. The final decision will be published next week....
2023 JWC/JEC Update 1: SI, Location & Accommodations
Dear Young Icesailors, Trainers & Parents, The 2023 JWC/JEC is going to be sailed at Lake Kertuoja. Please read the Sailing Instructions attached below. Launching Area: 55.191525, 25.629715 Race office for...
2023 Junior Icesailing World & European Championship in Lithuania
There is one day to go before the decision on the site of this season's Top Junior Icesailing Event! It's looking up to be a great event in Lithuania regarding ice and weather forecast, some snow is due to come but hopefully it is not going to be a problem.We...