Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News, Slider, Technical Committee
We received the following update from Technical Committee member Tomek Zakrzewski: Yesterday we held our first ever online meeting of the DN Technical Committee. It was a great opening of the new TC setup. TC has recognized the great effort of Warren Nethercote who...JUNIOR News, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News, Slider
Fresh off the Press. Get it while it’s hot! The season-finale Runner Tracks newsletter is on your virtual doorstep. Many thanks to our advertisers who help bring Runner Tracks to you, to contributors, David Frost, Ron Sherry, and Warren Nethercote, and to...EDNIA, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News, Slider, Technical Committee
During last weekend’s National Secretaries’ Meeting the following members were elected to serve as officers of the European DN Class: Board Members (elected for 2 years): Commodore: Mihkel Kosk (C45) Vice-Commodore: John Winquist (L601) Treasurer: Jerzy...