JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.2

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.2

Dear Young Icesailors, Parents & Coaches, Due to the Covid-19 situation and other complications some young icesailors have – problems with bank transfers and organising circumstances – we decided to extend the deadline for Entry and Insurance...

WC/EC 2020 – Late entry @ Check-in

All sailors, who would like to make a late entry at the check-in shall have a checked by the Insurance Manager insurance. If you did it earlier, you should have an Insurance ID assigned already, if not then bring your insurance policy to the check-in. In advance...

The registration for the 2020 WC/EC is open now

Dear Fellow Icesailors, Our Webmaster opened the online registration for the 2020 DN WC/EC. All you need is click to the link and register. BUT, beforehand you have to log-in with your sail number and password. The link to log-in is on the home page of idniyra.eu. To...


Dear Fellow Icesailors, Friends of the Class We invite you, your relatives and friends to the 2020 DN World and European Championships. Please find the Notice of Race attached and read it carefully. Important dates to consider: 20th December 2019 – The online...

NOR Junior WC&EC

Dear Junior Icesailors, Parents and Trainers, We would like to invite you all to the 2020 Junior World and European Championships in DN and IceOptimist Classes. Please find the Notice of Race attached and read it carefully. Important dates to consider: 20th December...