2020 Junior DN World & European Championships in
Dn & Iceoptimist classes

Pictures from the JWC/JEC 2020
Accompanying the pictures of this years’ Juniors World & European Championships already on social media, photographer Arijus Dambrauskas’ wonderful pictures can also be found on Flickr:
Ice-Optimist 22th update JWC + JEC 2020
[codepeople-post-map]JEC2020-after3eaces-2upgrade-FINAL JWC2020-after7races-2upgrade-FINAL
European DN Junior and Ice-Optimist Championships 2020 after 3races FINAL
JWC 2020 DNJunior & Ice-Optimist FINAL RESULTS AFTER 7 RACES
AFTER 5 RACES – World DN Junior and Ice-Optimist Championships 2020
Sailing instructions JWC/JEC 2020
Dear young icesailors:
attached you have SI for JWC 2020 .
JPM Stan Macur.
JWC/JEC 2020 Sunday decision.
Dear young icesailors and parents/trainers.
We have checked lake Furudal today morning and found that the ice is very good, hard,
without any (!) cracks and 30cm in thickness .
The harbour will be on big parking near church white building ( Ora Kyrka ) with good aces
to the ice for trailers . https://maps.app.goo.gl/PCAhJMPUHeT6zz1L7
Check-in today (Sunday ) 15:00-19:00 in grey building near reception.
Skippers meeting and opening ceremony tomorrow ( Monday Feb 17th ) on the Furudal ice
10:00 and first start scheduled for DN-Junior at 12:00.
Welcome you All.
Stan Macur. P-111.
JWC 2020 – final decision.
[codepeople-post-map]Dear young icesailors and trainers , parents.
We have DN WC/EC 2020 now on the lake Orsa in Sweden and together Monotype XV EC 2020 .
Ice conditions are very good and weather forecast looks promissing for the next week.
This is only good ice in all Europe, so I would like to confirm final decision
for our World & European DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist Championship 2020 :
Lake Orsa ( Orsasjön ) in Orsa , 15 km from Mora in Sweden.
All event will be acording to NOR 16-21. Feb 2020.
Welcome You All.
Think Ice.
Stan Macur. DN P-111.
Junior Program Manager
WC/EC DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist 2020
Dear young icesailors and trainers/parents !
The Lithuanian DN Fleet is the organiser of 2020 Junior WC/EC and all preparation work is going very well.
The deadline for regular entries is near, so make your entry on time, please.
We have some troubles with weather in Europe, so we will look for a possible site for our event in all
icesailing countries, also including Sweden and Finland !
The week before juniors, there is seniors’ DN WC/EC 2020 and Monotype XV EC 2020, so we will get
very fresh icescouting information and you will be informed on this website.
Think Ice,
Stan Macur, P-111
NOR Junior WC&EC
Dear Junior Icesailors, Parents and Trainers,
We would like to invite you all to the 2020 Junior World and European Championships in DN and IceOptimist Classes.
Please find the Notice of Race attached and read it carefully.
Important dates to consider:
- 20th December 2019 – The online registration opens
- 27th January 2020 – Deadline to send insurances for checking
- 3rd February 2020 – Last day to register on single entry fee
See you on the ice,
Stan Macur, JPM IDNIYRA Europe
Antanas Gerasimavicius, National Secretary, Lithuania
Attila Pataky, Commodore IDNIYRA Europe