We received the following update from Technical Committee member Tomek Zakrzewski:
Yesterday we held our first ever online meeting of the DN Technical Committee. It was a great opening of the new TC setup.
TC has recognized the great effort of Warren Nethercote who offered thoughts on revised class specifications. We will take it as a starting point to deliver ballot proposals section by section by early October 2022. The goal is to make rules more clear and reader-friendly and eliminate obvious confusions.
TC will appreciate any valuable input from class members.
Stay tuned for more news from TC.
Warren’s Revised Specification Proposals are readable in the 2022 May Issue of the Runner Tracks.
The DN Technical Committee has been working diligently over the summer for the DN Class. Here’s an update on their progress.
Via TC member Tomek Zackrzewski P55:
Here is short summary of what has happened within TC:
On Sunday, August 22, the IDNIYRA Technical Committee members completed online meeting #4. Main focus is to deliver revised wording of Section A (fuselage) and section B (runner plank).
The main goals are:
Incorporate interpretations into Official Specifications
Rewrite to deliver more user friendly wording
Enrich each section with measurement guide incl. measurement drawings
Consolidate fragmented sections
Eliminate loopholes and grey areas by giving more precise definitions
Maintain unchanged specs
There are two more online meetings scheduled by September 1st.
IDNIYRA Technical Committee Members:
Jeff Kent US3535
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36
Here is update from TC as of September 5, 2022.
“Today we have finished work on two sections of IDNIYRA OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS.
Thanks to modern technology, Technical Committee met six times online for two-hour sessions each to prepare a updated version of the class rules.
We would like to thank Warren Nethercote for laying the foundation for the committee’s work. Without Warren’s work, it would not be possible to achieve our goals.
We hope that our work will be positively received by members of the DN class and that the proposed rule format will be voted on.
TC members will be happy to answer any questions that may arise after publication in Runner Tracks.
On behalf of TC,
Tomek Zakrzewski, P-55”