Junior News

Track & Follow the JWC/JEC2021 Live on idniyra.eu

Track & Follow the JWC/JEC2021 Live on idniyra.eu

Follow the 2021 DN Junior & IceOptimist World & European Championships live and read all the latest updates on the event’s page.

2021 Junior World & European Championships

Contribute to the online experience and receive notifications at the digital notice board on your phone with the kwindoo app for racers: kwindoo.com/app
Simply download, register & start tracking your activity on the ice.
After a raceday is completed, turn off the tracking and you will be able to rewatch the race on the website and in the app.
More info: idniyra.eu/downloads


Wishing you all a safe & successful regatta,

Attila István Pataki
Secretary IDNIYRA – Europe

JWC/JEC 2021 – Move to Haapsalu

JWC/JEC 2021 – Move to Haapsalu


Dear Young Icesailors, Trainers and Parents,

Because of unforeseen developments on the ice, we decided to move the event to Haapsalu, in hopes of providing you with better conditions for racing.

Race Office & Regatta HQ will be in Hotel Hestia

Launching site: Vasikaholmi rand

Thank You. See you all in Haapsalu!

Stan Macur


To see the latest news and updates on the event please visit:

JWC/JEC 2021 – Decision on the Location

JWC/JEC 2021 – Decision on the Location

Dear Young Icesailors !
The DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist World & European Championships 2021 will take place on the Pärnu Gulf.
Ice thickness as today 16-18cm.
Pärnu Yacht Club will serve as the regatta headquarters.
Please find the “Sailing Instructions” enclosed.
See you all on the ice.

Stan Macur


Here are some accommodation offers:

Single room with breakfast – 30 €/night
Double room with breakfast – 38 €/night
Booking: +372 447 1740 kylalistemaja@jahtklubi.ee
Standard single room – 54 €/night
Standard double room – 62 €/night
The room price includes:
An abundant breakfast and spa visit during the hotel stay
Free WiFi
Free parking
Booking e-mail: sales@strand.ee or Tel: +372 447 5380 (use password “Icesailing”)
Tormi Jõgi
JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.5

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.5

Dear Young Icesailors, Trainers And Parents!
I would like to inform you all that the DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist WC/EC 2021 will take place in Estonia between Dec 12th-17th, 2021.
The Estonian DN Fleet is organising other races on the upcoming weekend of Dec 11-12th. It is considered to choose the regatta site in Haapsalu or Parnu for both events.
The final site decision will be made on Friday Dec. 10th afternoon.
See you all in Estonia!
Think ice.
Stan Macur DN P-111.
JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.4 – Postponement

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.4 – Postponement

Dear friends,
We have checked possible areas for our championships and found that ice conditions are not good enough, so I decide together with Estonian organisers to postpone the event for one week to the date 12-17 Dec 2021. The weather forecast looks promising for that period in Estonia and Poland and we hope to find good place for JWC 2021! Late entry will remain open until the start of the event.
Next information/decision on Wednesday 8th Dec.
Best regards. Think ice.
Stan Macur DN P-111
JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.3

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.3

Dear Young Icesailors, Trainers and Parents!
We have talked with Alari Akermann about the upcoming JWC 2021 and have agreed that it is possible to organize the event next week on Lake Sadjarv near Tartu in Estonia… Everything depends on weather,
According to this a preliminary decision will be made on Dec 1st, Wednesday evening and the final decision on Dec 3rd, Friday noon.

Entry to this regatta is still possible until Nov 30th.
The Covid-19 Protocol is on European website and everybody has to read and use it correctly !

Best regards. Think Ice.
Stan Macur. JPM IDNIYRA-Europe.

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.2

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.2

Dear Young Icesailors, Parents & Coaches,

Due to the Covid-19 situation and other complications some young icesailors have – problems with bank transfers and organising circumstances – we decided to extend the deadline for Entry and Insurance Submission of JWC 2021 until Nov 30th 2021!

You can now make an insurance check for this event by uploading your insurance policy directly during the entry & registration process: https://idniyra.eu/juniors-entry/
You do no longer need an InsuranceID, only the approval of the Insurance Manager. To check if your insurance and payment have been processed and approved, please visit: https://idniyra.eu/junior-entry-list/

Everything else will be handled according to the Notice of Race. Next information will be published early December 2021 depending on the ice situation.

Think Ice, Stan Macur JPM IDNIYRA-Europe.

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.1

JWC/JEC 2021 – Notice No.1

Dear Young Icesailors, Parents & Coaches,

I would like to confirm that all entries paid last winter to participate at the JWC/JEC 2021 are of course valid for our championship planned for December 2021.

Clearly, if we can not provide this event in December the JWC/JEC entry fees will remain valid for the 2022 Championships.

Think Ice,
Stan Macur JPM IDNIYRA-Europe.



Dear Fellow Icesailors,

A new season starts soon and we have to be ready not only with our ice sailing gear but also be prepared to cope with the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope that all of you are healthy and not influenced by COVID infection or any serious consequences. This year we intend to organize the WC/EC, but to keep our community safe we have to introduce some protocols, which has to be obeyed by all participants of the event. Below you can find the COVID-19 Protocol. Please read it carefully and be prepared for the safe season and for participation in IDNIYRA events.

Think Ice,

Attila Pataky (M-100)

IDNIYRA EU Commodore


Baikal Ice Sailing Week 2022 – What to know?

Baikal Ice Sailing Week 2022 – What to know?

Fellow Icesailors,

We received the following leaflet from Joerg Bohn G-737 & Dideric van Reimsdijk S-867 about next season’s Baikal Ice Sailing Week.
March 26-April 02, 2022 will mark the 11th occasion that the event is held at Lake Baikal, Russia with sailors participating from all over the World to compete at the Asia and Baikal Cups, the Russian Championship or just to sail for pleasure. This year we are also looking forward to having guests from China.

Please read the following What-to-know-2022 manual carefully.

more info: baikaliceyachtracing.eu, dnrussia.ru

2021/22 Season Regatta dates announced!

2021/22 Season Regatta dates announced!

The dates of next seasons’ Gold Cup World & European Championships were set in April at the National Secretaries’ Meeting and we are receiving more and more dates from the class’ member fleets daily.

Johnny Köhler Cup & All Saint’s Regatta DN Finland

DN & IceOptimist Junior World & European Championships 2021 (Post-lockdown backup date)

Swedish DN Championship 2021 (Post-lockdown backup date) – DN Sweden

North American DN ChampionshipIDNIYRA – Central Region

Grand Masters CupDN Sweden

Gold Cup DN World & European ChampionshipsDN Switzerland & IDNIYRA Europe

DN & IceOptimist Junior World & European Championships 2022

Baikal Ice Sailing Week (Baikal Cup, Asia Cup, Open Russian Championship) – DN Russia & Baikal Ice Yacht Racing

For the ever-updating DN Class Regatta Calendar from all of our fleets please visit: idniyra.eu/calendar

Don’t forget to mark the dates in your calendar!

Would you like to get notified? Subscribe to our calendars: tinyurl.com/dnregattacalendar

National Secretaries’ Meeting 2021 – The Class Welcomes DN China!

National Secretaries’ Meeting 2021 – The Class Welcomes DN China!

Icesailing on the Jinling Reservoir
Chinese DN Fleet Storage

Our family of icesailing nations grew with a new member in Asia!

This weekend at our annual National Secretaries’ Meeting we had some very special guests in attendance:
On behalf of the Chinese DN Fleet, Mr. Qiguang Wang chairman of the Jinzhou Yachting and Sailing Association and Jinzhou Bay Sailing Club, Mr. Ming Wu director of the club and Ms. Di Zhu, Chinese-Canadian interpreter was also invited to aid throughout the process.

As they told us, in the past three years, during the introduction, training and participation in- and hosting of various icesailing competitions, they stumbled across pictures and videos of DN iceboats on the Internet. The appearance, structure, speed and specifications of the DN immediately aroused everyone’s interest. In 2019, they purchased plans from North America and manufactured a few of China’s first iceboats of the class. Last year contact has been established with IDNIYRA – Europe and official talks began on joining the Organisation. We received their application of membership earlier this year.
At the same time, they have also received strong support and approval from the Chinese Sailing and Windsurfing Association. They plan to join our association as a local organisation, and at the same time, continue to promote the DN icesailing across the country.

After an impressive presentation and interview, the national representatives unanimously approved the membership application.

We wholeheartedly welcome the Chinese Fleet in our Class Association!

For more pictures and videos on Chinese icesailing and their article about joining the Class, visit Jinzhou Yachting and Sailing Association’s WeChat channel:

Follow the 2021 Baikal Icesailing Week online – Live!

This year unfortunately most of us could not travel to the Baikal Icesailing Week – but with the co-operation of the Russian DN Class and Kwindoo we can follow the event from home.

2021 Lithuanian Championships Live

Junior WC&EC 2021 postponed again

Junior WC&EC 2021 postponed again

Problems with Covid-19 still do not allow to organise a safe regatta this winter. We decided together with Estonian DN Fleet as organisers to postpone again DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist WC&EC 2021  and play them in December 2021. We would very much  like  to give  you all a chance to participate in championship this year.

New information and decisions will be published on November 10th 2021the latest.

I wish you interesting local ice sailing this winter.

Stay healthy and see you in December 2021 !

Stan Macur . DN P-111



Track & Follow the JWC/JEC2021 Live on idniyra.eu

WC 2020 Kwindoo Replay

Dear Fellow Iceboaters,

This time last year we concluded the 2020 DN World Championship at the scenic Lake Orsa, Sweden. Please enjoy the replay of the event via the tracking provided by Kwindoo and our volenteering icesailors. With the cold weather moving in there are multiple events planned and on the way. Should anyone in the community wish to use the service this season, I do have an organiser’s account with which I would be happy to set up regattas free of charge. With it you can help the job of your Race Committee by providing valuable information, your loved ones at home and the iceboating community can follow and cheer you along from afar and you can also rewatch each race at any time later on. Don’t be shy to reach out by sending an email to secretary@idniyra.eu with the planned location and date of the regatta and the contact information of the chief organiser/RC.

For more information and to download the app for your mobile phone, please visit: kwindoo.com

All the Best, Stay Safe & Think Ice!

Junior WC&EC 2021 postponed.

Dear Junior Icesailors,
I have disscused with Estonian organizers situation with ice conditions and especially with covid-19 problems
and we have agreed to postpone our event Junior WC&EC 2021 for three weeks to the data March 07th-12ve. 2021.
The data for regular entry is also postponed until Feb 15th2021- 24.00.

Wish you good ice practice season.
Think Ice and stay healthy.
Think Ice,

Stan Macur