Insurance, REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
IDNIYRA Europe is happy to convey the following invitation: The Austrian DN Fleet invites all fellow DN sailors to sail the MITROPA Cup on the Lipno Reservoir, Czechia between 2025.02.07-09! Please read the following Notice of Race: view mitropa-trophy-nor-2025.pdf ...
JWC2025, REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
Dear Young Icesailors, Parents and Trainers, I hope everybody is looking for ice and practicing in the new 2024-25 season.The Polish DN Fleet and I would like to invite all young icesailors from around the world to participate in the 2025 DN-Junior and Ice-Optimist...
2025 EC, Insurance, REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
Dear Fellow Icesailors, The icesailing season is now in full throttle! In the past month, European Icesailors reported ice and have been icesailing in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. DN Finland in anticipation of Hosting this season’s European Championship has already...
REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
Dear Fellow Icesailors, We are happy to convey the following Invitation from the Finnish DN Fleet: Kausi alkaa – Season is about to start! The very first event of the global ice sailing season is soon to start in Finland. Week46 event consists of Johnny Köhler Cup Nov...
REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
DN Finland warmly welcomes all eligible Grand Masters (60 years of age by 27 Feb 2024) to participate in the Grand Masters Cup 2024. The event will take place 27-29 Feb 2024. NOR has been published and the registration is open in the manage2sail system, which is...
JUNIOR News, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News, Regatta Watch, Slider
Dear Fellow Icesailors, We are happy to convey the following Invitation from Mihkel Kosk and the Estonian DN Fleet: Happy end of the year! Starting from the 2nd of January, safe and good ice conditions are in Haapsalus. Getting on the ice next to an old water tower....