2022 WCEC, Health, JUNIOR News, JWC2022, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News
Dear Fellow Icesailors, I have heard rumors that some of our members are interpreting the IDNIYRA-EUROPE COVID-19 Protocol as not mandatory because it uses the word “should” instead of “must”. Now I don’t want to start a debate about English...
2022 WCEC, Health, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News
Dear Fellow Icesailors, First of all, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy, Prosperous and Joyful New Year with a lot of icesailing. I would like to remind you that less than two weeks remain to the closing of the Regular Entry for the 2020 Gold Cup World...
2022 WCEC, JUNIOR News, Paid Membership, REGATTA News
Dear Fellow Icesailors, We invite you all to sail the Gold Cup DN World and European DN Championships 2022 Please find the Notice of Race attached and read it carefully. Also, pay particular attention to the IDNIYRA EU Covid Protocol. Important dates to consider: 15th...
2022 WCEC, Health, JUNIOR News, JWC2021, JWC2022, Membership, Paid Membership, REGATTA News, Slider
Dear Fellow Icesailors, A new season starts soon and we have to be ready not only with our ice sailing gear but also be prepared to cope with the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope that all of you are healthy and not influenced by COVID infection or...