Dear fellow iceboaters! It was a non predicted change in weather conditions in Estonia! Continuous snow storms comming from the Baltic Sea and sets at the islands. Please do not drive to Estonia, instead direct your cars towards Poland. I will come with details in the...

Other accommodation

Today I got the following email: ”Dear Sir, AS i know DN class competitons will BE held in Saaremaa! As representive of Grand Rose Spa hotell in Saaremaa we can offer accommodaion in Kuressaare  during tje race with in 50€ per night in standard twin/double room. For a...

EC 2019 Location – Decision

Dear Friends & Fellow Iceboaters, The 2019 DN European Championship will be held in Estonia / Island Saaremaa. The racecourse location will be in Vaike strait. The launchsite location will be posted later. Accommodation: The Headquarters will be in Hotel Georg Ots...

Important information – postponement!

Due to the recent unstable weather conditions in the region the 2019 European Championship will be postponed by one day. Thus the new schedule is the following: Final decision about the site: Saturday, 19th January 2019, 15.00 CET Check-in: Monday, 21st January 2019....

Icescouting 2019 – Second update

Since the last report we had checked two spots: Siemianowka in Poland and Rekyvos in Lithuania. Both lake have ice of sufficient thickness, however the ice surfaces are not ideal for racing. At Siemianowka we have 10 cm black plus 5 cm snowice. The ice was covered...

Icescouting 2019

Dear Fellow Iceboaters! This year we departed again on our journey in search of the best location to organize the European Championship. Last week we have had some hope that we can stay on the ice of the Organizing Country. The ice on Tisza Reservoir had grown fast...