Dear friends, I right now opened the Online-Registration for EC 2017. (I know it is one hour earlier than written in the NOR, but I would have had time late in the evening again) Think Ice Niklas OE 221
WC/EC 2016 – Sailing Instructions

WC/EC 2016 – Sailing Instructions

  Dear friends,   attached you find the sailing instructions for the Worldchampionship 2016 and European Championship 2016. For environmental and financial reasons we will not print them for each sailor. We will have a big poster in or near the race-office...
WC/EC 2016 – Slideshow  – REMINDER

WC/EC 2016 – Slideshow – REMINDER

Dear friends, this is just a reminder for my posting of August ! We plan to make a slideshow with as many pictures as possible. So I ask the whole international community to send some nice pictures to our “Dropbox”. Please send the pictures in the highest resolution...