It is with great sadness that we have to inform the DN ice sailing community that Bouw van Wijk (H 100) passed away on October 26 after a long, loving and intense life.

Bouw’s achievements in the field of sailing and building sailing yachts, ice yachts and motorboats are too numerous to mention here. He has changed the face of watersports in the Netherlands, amassing an impressive number of championships on the water and on the ice, including two European championships and two Dutch championships in the DN class. He has been Commodore of the oldest local ice sailing club in the world for many years. Together with the board (with Nico Bakker and Ruud Hoogenboom), he saved it from oblivion and transformed it into the large and flourishing association that it is today; Ice sailing association Brasemermeer founded in 1870.

Bouw, and before him his father, have followed the birth and subsequent development of the Monotype XV class from its very beginning in 1932. Read and saved everything that was written about it, including drawings and sailing with his father’s 15 m2 ‘IJsbeer’ (Polar Bear) and later his own 15 m2 ‘IJsvogel’ (Kingfisher). Both yachts still exist and are cherished in Brasemermeer. After a crash with his DN, Bouw changed the metal pin holding his broken leg into the poker for the fireplace in his house and went sailing on the traditional Dutch ice yacht ‘IJskoud’ that was built at his yard and that we all have seen on the ice in the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Germany, etc. But the Monotype had aroused his interest and that is why he bought a beautiful Monotype built by Valentijn in the Netherlands, XV H 10. Not long after that he arranged for Ulf Torberger to do a presentation on IMXVIYRA on the Brasemermeer’s annual meeting. Due to the vision and encouragement of Bouw and the enthusiasm of Ulf, IJszeilvereniging Monotype Nederland was founded by Bouw, Hans Versteeg and Pieter den Haan. Bouw has made a major contribution to IMXVIYRA with his knowledge and wisdom.

This history characterises Bouw’s dedication to (ice)sailing and particularly his drive to gather people around him to share his enthusiasm, and his great organising and networking abilities. Seemingly effortless, but in fact due to hard work. He has done so not only in Monotype XV but also in the Dutch Vrijheid class, he was a great motor for the Regenboog class and for the Dutch fleet of international 5.5 meters to name a few.

Bouw wasn’t always only the evidently successful and cheerful man we have all known and enjoyed so much. He had to battle several deep personal and professional crises, which have taken their tolls, to eventually become that man.

A great sailor and character we have all learned and benefitted from and have had so much fun with.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Bouw will be missed.

DN IJszeilvereniging Nederland