Dear Friends

we were lucky this time to have pulled off  both Championships. It is not only the weather allowing us to do that. There is a lot of volunteers and People involved to get it done each other year. We are an Amateur sport. Therefore we need People in the Board and running the races who are willing and capable to do so. This year, most of you may have realized,   there were changes in the  PRC and an independant PRO was in place. For all of them it was the first time to work in this international combination. Without these People we could not continue our Amateur Sport at such a professional level! With Daan Schütte (DN Vice World Champion from 1998)  and Hennie van der Brink together with Kuba Mihalczyk and his team we were very lucky to have the Expertise needed.  Thanks you!!! Further all the voluntary board members worked perfectly hand in hand! Thanks to them as well. A lot  will leave the board this year or within the next years after many years of dedicated work with hundreds of hours involved. Be aware without those guys being replaced (this April the Treasurer and Commodore) the quite complex organisation cannot continue to function. Therefore the board is happy for new volunteers (perhaps you) to share responsibility for our class.

At the secreatries Meeting in Riga this year in April in Riga, we will go through the lessons learnt from this event and come up with additional ideas for the future. If you have any suggestions how to develop the class, work of the board or race management please have those passed on to us latest  until the end of march. This is important and will give us the chance to put them on the meeting’s Agenda.

Good luck at the upcoming Championships (Swedish, Polish, North Americans, Baikal and all others too).

Be aware there at this Moment there are two  boat spots left in the Container for the “Open Russian Championship” the “Asia Cup” and “Baikal Cup”  at Lake Baikal from April 2nd until April 9th 2016. If interested in further Information regarding Baikal contact H-467 “Dideric(at)” immediately!

Enjoy the winter as soon its back or already!
