Dear Fellow Iceboaters,
The season is full on for the last 3 weeks up in NOR, SWE and FIN with the first start tomorrow and a long starting list, things are looking good for the weekend, try to make it up there if you still can! Pic of ice added 😉

NOR for the WC and EC 2024 is coming up 1st of December. Insurance check is at full speed. After that registration will open and hope to see all of you on it in the first weeks.
The EU Board is looking for people to step into the game and to put some effort into making things better. Maybe combined position, could be two persons with extra in the background. Titles are Marketing / Media and then Sponsor relationship. So if YOU are interested or know somebody who is maybe keen then send an email to the board.
Think Ice!
Mihkel Kosk (C-45)