Dear Fellow Ice Sailors, Junior Iceboaters,

The holiday season is here and some lucky countries already have stable and sailable ice cover on their lakes and water reservoirs. Use this possibility to train as much as you can to get ready for big international events and perfectly trim your gear.

But do not forget in this busy season, that some deadlines to make duetime entry for the events are already on the doorstep:

  • 2nd January – submission of insurance cover for seniors
  • 6th January – regular online entry ends for the Senior EC
  • 15th January  – submission of insurance cover for juniors
  • 20th January – regular online entry ends for the Junior WC/EC

As today there are only 62 entries made for the senior event and only ONE for the juniors!!

Please take a few minutes and make the online entry as soon as possible to ease the life of the organizers and help to make successful icesailing events.

I whish all to you and to your beloved families all the best, Merry Chrismas and Happy, Prosperous New Year!

And of course lot of fun on the ice!


Your Commodore,

Attila Pataky
