Dear friends,
Please check in time that you will have a proper TPL-insurance for icesailing. This is not only necessary for the “big events” like WC and/or EC or JWC/JEC, but also for sailing during the rest of the season. I guess that every participant of WC and EC (or JWC/JEC) will try to get some meters of ice under his runners before travelling there.


Once again the items for a proper certificate of insurance:
1. the certificate must be in English language.Junior insurance must be indicated: Juniors

  1. the liability cover must be at least 500.000,– €
  2. the certificate must clearly show that this insurance covers sailing with iceboats including race events and training races.
  3. the certificate must show, that the insurance covers the region of Europe including Baltic Sea and Northern Sea. If you have an insurance “worldwide” these regions are covered of course and it’s ok.
  4. the certificate must clearly show, that it is valid at least for the time of the event.


Due to I got more and more normal word.doc as confirmation of cover, I have to state out that I can’t accept those.

Please understand that I need an official paper with signatures from your insurance company. I do not want to assume that anybody is cheating, but I have to check all insurances with the same rules.

Please be aware that I will check all insurances with the same accuracy.

*.dot files from a MAC I can’t open.

Please send *.pdf files or *.jpeg (jpg) files.

Please send your confirmation in high resolution !!!!

If possible, please send only ONE PAGE !



I will start assigning Insurance-IDs at the beginning of December.

It is possible that it takes one or two days until I assign the Insurance-ID, but I will try to do that faster after registration is open (03.01.2017; 12:00 CET)

Insurances sent until January, 18th 2017; 24:00 (CET) will be assigned for a regular entry for EC 2017 and JWC/JEC 2017

If you send your confirmation at that very late stage, be aware that – if the confirmation is NOT OK – I will not assign any ID just because you are late. That’s not fair to all other sailors who sent their confirmations in time.

Then you will not be able to make a regular entry and you have to make a late entry

Proofs of insurance WITHOUT any indication for “Junior” will get an ID for the seniors.

If the date of the confirmation of a Junior also fits for the seniors, they will assigned an ID for the seniors, too.

These sailors can take part in both events (JWC-JEC and EC)



As in the past years we offer for those sailors who really cannot show a valid proof of insurance the SINGLE EVENT INSURANCE. As usual the fee for that is 30,– € for DN junior and Ice-Optimist sailors and has to be paid at regatta check-in in cash.

The SEI will be treated as every other insurance.

The only difference is, that you have to ask for the SEI instead you send your confirmation.

If you ask before the deadline you get assigned an ID for a regular entry, if you ask afterwards ….

If you make a “Late-Entry” at regatta check-in you can get the SEI according to the rules at regatta check-in.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: To avoid any misunderstanding I have to inform that the so called “Single Event Insurance” is only for sailors from countries where we KNOW that they do not have any chance to get a proper insurance or an insurance for a tolerable amount (R, US, T, B)

First of all the goal is, that every sailor should have an insurance for the whole season. Not only at WC and EC (JWC, JEC). Second we try to have a spread of the risk. So the idea of the “Single Event Insurance” is only to make it every sailor possible to take part at WC (when held in Europe) and EC and JWC/JEC – not to make it easy for everyone to get an insurance. Please accept that not everybody who is asking for, will get a “Single Event Insurance”.



(How to ask for the SEI)

Please send the confirmation of cover of your insurances via e-mail at insurancemgr(at) (please use as subject: insurance WC 2016 (replace (at) with @ !! ) or send via snail mail to:

Niklas Müller-Hartburg

Eduard Klein Gasse 31

1130 Wien




I do not answer all mails and send your ID personal back to you.

You can find your insurance ID for juniors on website IDNIYRA Europe, section Juniors

If you do not find any ID or did not get any answer – please make sure I received your confirmation of cover.

It’s your own and sole responsibility.




To have an Insurance-ID only allows you to enter at the Online-Registration. You are not obliged to do so.

Having an Insurance-ID does not mean that you are registered for the regatta !!!

More and more organizers from other regattas accept the Insurance ID as confirmation for having an insurance (if the date of validity fits to the respective regatta).


thanks a lot and Think Ice



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