Dear DN sailors,

It is day by day looking increasingly likely that we will sail the DN Europeans 2025 on Lake Pyhäjärvi / Säkylä, with race office at Kristalliranta.

I base my opinion on among other things the following:
* We have several good locations to choose from in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania. = I am confident that we WILL have a good week of sailing
* Finland is the Organising Country and given the good forecast and ice situation in Säkylä, one would have to find some compelling arguments NOT to sail in the Organising Country. = Curretnly I know of no such arguments nor do I se any such arguments in the weather forecasts.
* The Säkylä Ice is currently covered by 3-4 cm of powrder snow. Forecast indicates that no more snow should arrive before the start of the Regatta. Forecasts also indicate that the snow that we today have on the lake will grow smaller and eventually disappear when temperature becomes plus degrees starting on friday.
* Most of the EC week looks to be having plus digrees all over northern Europe. I therefore like the lakes that have thick ice better than the lakes that have thinner ice. = North is better than South. And more specifilally the Säkylä Ice is currently the thickest one we have of all the places we have been monitoring. Rapprots tell me ice thickness in Säkylä is 25-35 cm and it has been growing since those measurements where done.
* Wind prediction for the Weekend and the first days of racing is for strong winds and looks like we can look forward to some pretty fast sailing 🙂

There are, however some things I want to make you aware of:
1. Accommodation:
Accommodation has been secured for all participants and race organisers. No one needs to be worried about that. Every one will NOT be able to stay at Kristalliranta, but there is a second Cabin village on the other side of the lake as well as hotel accommodation close by. I would like all sailors to be flexible regarding the Kristalliranta cabins. We need to try to fill out the cabins as best we can and avoid reserving them for only one or two persons. Eija at the reception will help us sort out such things when you arrive.

Bed linen are available for rent, but if you want to save money you can bring your own bed linen and towel.

Our hosts Eija and Matti at Kristalliranta will help you with any further questions you may have.

+358 45 801 3554


2. The Säkylä Crack:
Those of you who have sailed on Lake Pyhäjärvi / Säkylä know that there is that one crack that is always there. Lets call it the “Business as usual” crack. Please pay attention to this and follow what ever instructions the PRC and ice scouts will give you.

3. Dirt on the Ice:
Rapports tell me the eastern side of the crack has some dirt on the ice. And this is something we noticed already during the Finnish Chamionships last weekend. The race area it self is in a much cleaner state. So this is all in all not a major concern.

Never the less you might want to consider bringing transportation runners to sail on out to the race area. And you might want to consider bringing your sharpening machine to the event.

I would say we are looking at a 80% likelihood that the event will be sailed on Lake Pyhäjärvi / Säkylä.
Something quite unexpected and dramatic need to occur in the predictions to push Säkylä out of the #1 position.
Estonia and especially Sweden remains a back up, but if things progress as expected we do not need to worry about last minute venue change.

I am not going to make a final decision just yet. Always good to keep ones options open, but as you might have read in between the lines I am confident we will have a good week of sailing in Säkylä.