Dear young DN and Ice Opti iceboaters
Some correction regarding the point: INSURANCE
Entries to Junior World Championship in 2016 are only accepted with a proof of valid third party liability insurance that must be presented at check-in. Minimum insurance amount: 500 000€. Parents or other adults who have parental authority are responsible for competitors under 18 years old. They should show that their children have an insurance and have to sign the disclaimer for them.
You don`t need to send your insurance to check by IDNIYRA Insurance Manager.
If you are in doubts about your insurance – you can send here: ju*******@id*****.eu the scan of insurance proof to ensure that everything is ok.
Single event insurance (SEI) policy can be bought at check in. Cost 30 EUR per sailor.
Sailors who plan to buy a SEI should inform Junior Programme Manager by email: ju*******@id*****.eu in advance of 2 weeks of the Regatta.
As in the past years we offer for those sailors who really can not show a valid proof of insurance the SINGLE EVENT INSURANCE. The fee for the Juniors will be 30,– € as it was in the past and has to be paid at regatta check-in in cash.
To avoid any misunderstanding we have to inform that the so called “Single Event Insurance” is only for sailors from countries where we KNOW that they do not have any chance to get a proper insurance or an insurance for a tolerable amount.
Please accept that not everybody who is asking for, will get a “Single Event Insurance”.
See you on ice
Jerzy Sukow, P-345, Junior Programme Manager