Dear Fellow Icesailors,

Our Webmaster opened the online registration for the 2020 DN WC/EC.
All you need is click to the link and register.
BUT, beforehand you have to log-in with your sail number and password. The link to log-in is on the home page of

To be able to register:
1. you need to be a member of IDNIYRA-EU. If you are not a member you can register here.
2. you should have a valid insurance, which have to be sent to the Insurance Manager, who assigned you an Insurance ID. The checked insurances and the assigned insurance IDs you can find here. If you are not listed on that page, please check whether you sent your police for checking and your national organisation had paid the membership due.

Have with you your Credit/Debit Card or PayPal account, as well as your ranking. Keep your runner sharp and who has no ice yet wait for the first one.

Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Your Commodore,
Attila Pataky