Dear Fellow Icesailors,

You may be aware that we are in the stage of a major reorganisation of the European icesailing community.

In summary on this issue:

Just before the Budapest Secretaries’ Meeting (April, 2018) we agreed with our American sport-mates to make our organisational regulations more clear and easy to interpret and in order to “to sail the same boat, on both continents, under the same racing rules and the racing format as similar as we can make it.  To determine a fair procedure for establishing what those rules are and how they can be changed in the future.  Make accommodations for the different ways that Europe and North America are organized“.  We drafted two separate documents, which will be valid for the DN Class (earlier those stipulations were included mainly in the NA documents) and as such can be changed by class vote only.

The drafts of these documents you can find under the following link: Office »» Draft Documents

We’ve come to an agreement with the NA Board to make certain adjustments in the European Membership structure in order to achieve our common goals. This involves mainly the individual members of the European Organisation. The way we are recently doing business will not change.

Why is this necessary?

Today we have an unbalanced number of sailors on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In certain cases this could effect class votes unfairly. Therefore, we decided to give voting rights on DN Class issues only to those sailors, who are actively sailing and/or interested in DN Class businesses, i.e. who are individual members of either one of the Continental Organisations.

You may remember that last year we started subscription on individual membership of the European Organisation, unfortunately the German law and our Constitution in effect made it too difficult to introduce such kind of a membership. The Board was actively seeking a solution and found that the best way to do this is to dissolute our organisation in Germany and found a new one in a country with a law system better suited to our organisation’s needs. Austria proved to be the best choice. A decision was made at the Vienna Secretaries’ Meeting (April, 2019) to proceed that way: found a new organisation in Vienna and dissolute the recent one in Hamburg. The Minutes of the Meeting can be found here.

Early this May, the representatives of the Austrian and the Hungarian fleets met and established IDNIYRA-EUROPE – Eissegelverband Europa, seated in Vienna. The Constitution and the Establishing Protocol can be found here.

In July, an extraordinary Secretaries’ Meeting was called, where the decision was made to dissolve IDNIYRA Europe (in Hamburg). The minutes can be found here.

What are the next steps?

  • In the near future we will renew subscription of individual membership of IDNIYRA-Europe on our webpage.
    (The individual members of IDNIYRA-Europe will have the right to participate in International DN Class Regattas (i.e. WC, EC and NAC) and vote on DN Class issues.
  • For those who had subscribed for membership and paid the membership fee due time, we will send out the ballot in November to vote on to accept or to reject the new DN Class documents (EPIC Agreement and Race Management Agreement)
  • If these documents will be accepted by a  2/3 majority vote, future ballots will go out online.
  • The WC/EC Registration opens December 20th. By this time, all who would like to participate should subscribe for membership, otherwise double membership fee will applied.

As you see our schedule is tight, thus please visit our website regularly (we will keep you informed) and subscribe on membership ASAP.

Important dates and deadlines for this year’s events:

December 1, 2019: WC/EC, JWC/JEC NOR issue

December 20, 2019: WC/EC, JWC/JEC Registration starts

January 13, 2020: WC/EC Insurance deadline

January 16, 2020: WC/EC Registration closes

January 27, 2020: JWC/JEC Insurance deadline

February 3, 2020: JWC/JEC Registration closes


Wishing you a successful season.

Think ice,

Attila Pataky