Dear Fellow Iceboaters,
The season is just about to start and hopefully it will be one to remember! Big event and celebration of the 50th Worlds and Eoropeans is about to start, starting in Lithuania.
Sad part is the situation in the world and we can only hope for a quick END!!! and turn for the better!
DN, Ice-Optimist and also Mono XV class sailors will get together for the season’s top event in the first week of February.
DN and DN-Juniors will sail on the same course and Opties next to us or maybe even do some SHOW race’s on the big course.  
There are some ideas and thoughts that we are working on to get numbers higher for the worlds. NOR will be out by 1st of December. If you have any questions then contact the board and will try to help as much as we can.

Think Ice!

Mihkel Kosk (C-45)