Dear Fellow Ice Sailors,

On behalf of the Latvian DN Fleet and IDNIYRA-Europe we invite you all to sail the European DN Championship held between February 18th-25th, 2023. Please find the Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions linked below and read it carefully before making the Event Entry.

Important dates to consider:

15th December 2022 – 18:00 (CET) – The online registration opens

20th January 2023; 24:00 (CET) – Deadline to send insurance for checking (Regular Entry)

22nd January 2023 – 24:00 (CET) – The last possibility to register on the regular entry fee (Regular Entry)

Please note, that in order to make a proper entry both the sailor as well as his/her National Organisation need to be active members of the DN Class, i.e. the respective membership fees have to be paid.

In line with the Race Management Agreement, DN Class Regattas are open to any member in good standing of the IDNIYRA or IDNIYRA-Europe.

We sincerely hope that we will be able to meet all our members from around the World again soon.

See you on the ice,

The Organisers


updated in line with 2023.01.08 Extraordinary National Secretaries Meeting