Time to start Thinking Ice, the 2024 International Ranking list has been calculated and published. See it here. The rank list is used to seed regatta fleets at continental events. Thanks to Ann Foeller for her assistance.

From the IDNIYRA Regatta Management Agreement (RMA)
“14. DN Split Fleet Ranking

The Continental Secretaries shall maintain a fleet ranking. This ranking shall be updated yearly and shall be published by October 15 using regatta results from the previous two GCs (Gold Cup), NACs (North American Championships), and ECs (European Championships). This ranking shall be the lessor of the following:

• Best finish in the Gold fleet in the previous two World Championships, North American Championships, and European Championships.
• 22 plus your best finish in the Silver fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs.
• 40 plus your best finish in the Bronze fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs.
• 58 plus your best finish in the Aluminum fleet in the previous two WCs, NACs, and ECs. In the event of equal ranking for more than one sailor, the ranking which is based on the most recent race result will be considered higher.”

2020 North American Championship
2022 World Championship
2022 European Championship
2023 World Championship
2023 North American Championship
2023 European Championship

All corrections must be submitted to the respective Continental Secretary by November 15. The list will be final on December 1.
Questions about your rank? Please email secretary@idniyra.eu & secretary.idniyra@gmail.com