
Extract from the 2005 Minutes of the Secretaries Meeting in Riga


Topic 15 Anti Doping Policy
(a) The Secretary provided an update on progress: (a) All IDNIYRA-Europe nations were now signed up to the Copenhagen Declaration (Anti Doping).
(b) Germany, Poland and Sweden DN organizations were part of their National Sailing Associations and therefore their ice sailors were liable to random dope testing by their respective National anti doping organizations.
(c) IDNIYRA-Europe had now formally accepted the WADA Anti Doping Code and this could be found at Click on Code Acceptance and scroll down to “OTHERS”.
(d) Telephone and email contact had been established with Mr. Tom Dielan, the WADA Director for European Sport, and he had been very helpful with advice.
(e) The IDNIYRA-Europe Code still had to be fully developed. The present difficulty was the means to implement it – only Germany, Poland and Sweden had this.
(f) It was emphasized that at no time had it been suggested that IDNIYRA-Europe had a doping problem; however, an anti doping policy would be a significant deterrent and was very much in the interests of FAIR SAILING.
In discussion the NA Commodore questioned the position of NA sailors competing in Europe. It was AGREED that at present only DN sailors from Germany, Poland and Sweden would be subject to dope testing.